Above- Colorized Electronmicrograph of Hepatitis B virions Credit: SciSource
The Doc on Hepatitis
Current medications are mostly well-tolerated with few side effects and are effective in controlling or curing Hepatitis B and C.
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver with several causes, including overuse of alcohol. Some forms of hepatitis are caused by viruses. The two viral forms of hepatitis for which treatment is available are Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. These are two very different viruses. Hepatitis B may be suppressed in your system and Hepatitis C may be eliminated from your system using current treatments.
Hepatitis treatment: If you are newly diagnosed with Hepatitis B or C and want to consider treatment options, or if you have had Hepatitis for many years and would like an experienced consultation about treatment, please call 913-362-0220.
Contact Dr. Lee at Sharon Lee Family Health Care at the Doc Shop:
For an appointment through the internet (button below) or call 913-362-0220 to speak to a live answering service 24/7.
Hepatitis C is an RNA virus. With new treatments that are available, Hepatitis C can be cleared from your system. Curing Hepatitis C reduces the chance of developing Liver cancer by about 75%. Lifelong surveillance (annual lab and US testing) is recommended after cure, especially if cirrhosis is present.
Above Drawing of cut-away of Hepatitis C showing the E protein surface knobs and the RNA coiled insid the capsid.
Vaccinate for Hep B!
Hepatitis B is DNA virus. It can become a chronic infection. Today's treatments can control the virus and prevent damage to liver cells. Control of Hepatitis B reduces the likelihood of developing Liver cancer and other GI cancers, but close follow-up is recommended.
Above Drawing of cut-away of Hepatitis B showing the Surface antigen proteins and the DNA coil inside the capsid.
Patient tip:
If you have been told you have Hepatitis of any sort you should avoid alcohol and any medications like acetaminophen that pass through the liver and may increase toxicity to liver cells (hepatocytes).