Doc Shop - Dr. Sharon Lee
Sharon Lee Family Health Care at the Doc Shop helps people in the KC metro access health services for chronic viral illnesses. Services are covered by most major insurances. We also partner with Healthy People to assist with health care costs.
Call 913-DOC-0220 or submit an appointment request by email below.
Phone: 913-362-0220 (913-DOC-0220) Fax: 913-362-0440
Open hours: Monday - Friday: 10-2 and flexible by appointment
Feel better! Be healthy!
Schedule a visit with Dr. Sharon Lee or one of the team providers:
Please complete the request below or call 913-DOC-0220. Indicate the day and time you prefer and we will verify the appointment slot by phone or email on the same or the next business day.
The Doc Shop's usual business hours are Mon-Fri 10-2, but we often come early, stay late and set appointments on Saturday by request for patients who need expanded accessibility to in-person visits. Telehealth appointments are also available.
We try to make this a safe and secure online appointment booking method but we cannot guarantee internet privacy, so please do not put private health concerns in the message. We will get that from you later.
Letter from Dr. Lee
It is with great enthusiasm that we opened the Doc Shop in 2021 where my years of experience caring for people with HIV, Hepatitis, Transgenderism and other conditions inform our priorities.
People with some of these complex diagnoses have few options for knowledgeable care outside the primary teaching hospitals (KU and Truman). Expertise matters. As a professor and preceptor of students at all levels, I know there is no simple cookbook for prescribing.
Studies show that doctor or nurse proficiency in caring for people with HIV makes a profound difference in life expectancy and quality of life for their patients. Providers of HIV services with less than 2 years of concentrated training or fewer than 20 patients during their training have been shown to make more serious mistakes in treating. Experience and knowledge is important when even simple medication changes can have consequential effects.
You will find experienced care at the Doc Shop. Open flexible hours and accepting most major insurances.
I look forward to seeing you soon!
– Sharon Lee, M.D.
Our location: Sharon Lee Family Health Care at the Doc Shop
Address: 5407 Johnson Drive Mission, KS 66205
(In the Mission Mart half a (covered walkway) block from the Mission bus transit center.)
Below is the bus route (#107) from KU Medical Center or click on the button below for other bus routes.