Doc Shop - Getting here is easy
Sharon Lee Family Health Care at the Doc Shop helps people in the KC metro access health services for chronic viral illnesses. The Doc Shop is easy to find. 5417 Johnson Drive is in Mission and is 8 minutes from KU Medical Center.
Address: 5417 Johnson Drive Mission, KS 66205
Buses - to the Doc Shop (Mission Transit Center is 1/2 block with a covered walkway)
Below is the best bus route (#107) from KU Medical Center
Request an appointment with Dr. Sharon Lee - call 913-362-0220.
Open hours: Monday - Friday: 10-2 and flexible by appointment
Examples of Buses To Mission Transit Center (click on RideKC info button above for schedules and other details)
Pick up the bus at:
From Plaza (KC MO) Bus #401 - 1. Nichols Parkway at Cleaver Blvd (Plaza)2. 51st St on Troost
From Downtown KC MO Bus #403 -1. 12th at Washington2. Pershing at Grand3. 10th at Main
From Downtown KC KS Bus #402 –1. 16th at Central 2. 7th at Minnesota3. 18th at Minnesota
From Downtown KC KS Bus #402 –1. 16th at Central 2. 7th at Minnesota3. 18th at Minnesota